Monday, March 14, 2011

"Tiffany" Taking Shape in Stained Glass!

Stained Glass has made immense progress since the last time I checked. When I last saw, everyone was working on their first piece, and they were just cutting out the pieces of glass with glass-cutters. Now, most of the students have finished multiple stained glass creations, and are working on their fourth or fifth piece. It seems that they are using both Tiffany and traditional styles, but are making as many pieces as possible before the two weeks are out.

Basically, the Stained Glass Winterim has the students make one main, circular piece. Each main piece is entirely unique and characterized by bright colors, creative designs, and intense visual appeal. They generally have basic yet bright and picturesque designs, such as a setting sun or sailboats or a bright yellow sun. The quality of the main pieces is so high that you might expect to see these in a church window somewhere.

After they finished their main creations, the Stained Glass students have moved on to make things that they like out of stained glass. There were stencils for every design under the sky for the students to use. Today, I saw kids making brightly colored soccer balls, horses, music notes, ice cream cones, birds, and many more other interesting designs. Someone even had made the Deathly Hallows sign!

Overall, the students in Stained Glass are letting their creative juices flow in more ways than one, and they should be very proud of their work. I look forward to updating on their progress in the near future
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Just Another Day or Two or Three at the Sanctuary...

We have heard from those at the animal sanctuary in Utah often. We have since given them access to write their own posts, however this should catch you all up on their first week there.

(email received on 3/10)
Yesterday (3/9) we worked with dogs and bunnies. We cleaned a dog house and took the dogs to the park. For bunnies, we worked on cleaning their runs while also socializing the wild bunnies by trying to feed them lettuce. Here are some pictures. One is of Annie Davies playing ball with 2 dogs in the park (above). Another is Sarah Casey, Ali Pouliot, and Jenny Weil giving “Mika” some loving in the park (below bottom). The third is Colby Galliher and Becca Gilbert cleaning in bunnies (below top).

(in a comment posted on blog on 3/11)
Hello Everyone!
Today we played and cleaned up after the kitty cats of best friends. Hannah met a new friend named Honey who she was overly obsessed with. She would like to know, Dale can i bring her home?! Other than Hannah's obsession, Colby discovered Hutch (Kelsey) is a werewolf because she wasn't used to human touch". Other than that, we learned about puppy mills and what they are and why best friends doesn't support them. After we learned about the puppy mills we went on a hike to an under ground cave and we got lost... woohoo. We have a dog with us tonight, his name is Jay-Z. He is a black lab, very playful. We will keep everyone updated!
Peace. Love. Kitties.

PS. Annie breaks hearts.

(sent to blog on 3/12 by faculty leaders)
Today (3/12) we headed down to the Horse cemetery and for the morning, we tore up tumble weeds and put them in a huge pile to be burned. The workers and the vets were very thankful of our work. The horse graves looked great after we cleared out the tumble weeds. Heather, our guide, drove us to some rocks right off the road. She showed us petroglyphs on the side of the rock carved by the Anasazi tribe. Then we went to lunch and lounged in the sun until most of us got pretty red.

After lunch we went to puppy daycare. We split up into groups and took the puppies for walks and took them off leash to play with them. We had plenty of one on one time with the puppies and we wanted to adopt plenty of them. Colby made a friend, Aero, who followed him around wherever he went. After Ms. Simon and Ms. Ruby pulled us away from the dogs, we drove into town and had a delicious dinner at Nedra’s, a Mexican and American restaurant. We are all looking forward to Zion tomorrow (3/13).

We are sure you will "hear" from them again. They have consistent internet access and now have access to post their own articles on this blog!

P.S. The Poulin Family just adopted a rescued dog on Saturday! Welcome Riley to the LA Community!

How to Kill Your Free Time

During Winterim you may find yourself wondering around after Winterim trying to find something to do. While there might be activities going on at night, there's still plenty of free time following your Winterim. There is always plenty to do at the LA campus, as our campus features gyms, fields, and downtown which is less than a mile away from the center of campus. Maybe you want to get ripped before spring break, then you can hit up the gym, which is open every day starting at 3:30 PM. Or perhaps baseball players will want to get some preseason swings or some long toss in before the season begins, or work on your shots if you're a lax player. If you prefer to take in a good book, the library is always open, or if you get hungry downtown is only a few steps away. So while Winterim days might be long there is always something relaxng to do after.

Blast from the Past!

In the midst of all of the current and exciting things going on in Winterim 2011, we're going to give you a blast from the past. Here's a throwback, telling some old stories that alumni have shared with us on Facebook!

This photo was posted on our Facebook page by one alumni, who said, "Winterim began in 1973. Here is a shot of one of the original Winterim trips to Greece with Mr. Curran. Just ask him how these bunch of hoodlums from the 70's behaved. I am sure he would sigh and shake his head!"

One alumni told us about her experiences in the Bahamas, "I went to the Bahama's to learn how to sail a 64 foot motor sailing boat. Loved every moment of it, except for the mugging part, but I learned a lot. Thanks to Moria O'Conner and her family for the ship."

Another alum reflects on Winterim, "Best program ever. I am still in touch with my canoe partner from the Rop Grande trip 20+ years later."

Another alumni says, "I still tell stories of camping in the snow in northern Maine back in the winter of 1980 :)"

Winterim, for many LA alumni, is a fun tradition where you make lifelong friends and timeless memories. Check out our Facebook Fan Page and leave comments so we can hear more of your past stories. believe me, we are interested. :) 

(This post was written by both Jordan and Sabina.)

Weekend Fun!

This weekend, we had a lot of fun activities to do. This Friday the school brought us to the mall shopping. I went on the go kart trip during Saturday with Mrs. O'Connor. At night, we had a trip to Chunky's watching a movie with Mr. Brescia. Sunday, the school planned to go play tennis but there was some mistake with the tennis court, so it was cancelled and switched to Fun World. Students having fun in Fun World, everyone got a lot of prizes. Pictures coming soon.

Timeless Tradition

We asked Maggie Joyce class of '05, and now working in admissions, what her experience of Winterim was like when she was a student at LA. She said some of the trips were different but not many, she attended Celtics games, Shear Madness and the majority of the evening activities we still do today. Her experience was unreal, and nothing you can describe unless you have experienced it. She misses it and it was a definite highlight for her during her time at LA.
(Written in partnership - Sean and Sarah)

*only picture of Maggie we could find...

Apples to Apples

Today the group worked in partners to each come up with a topic to write about involving Winterim.
We all went to the mall and played with all the new technology in the Apple Store, with all of our blogging skills. We used the ipads and laptops, and were able to update the blog with all this cool new stuff. It was a fun day in the social media world!

Piles are getting smaller!

From the collage below you can see the piles are shrinking as the Quilts are growing larger. Mr. Healy's concentration cannot be broken even with the flash of my camera. They started a group quilt where everyone has to sew a square onto the final project. Ms. Quist is half way done with her quilt. There are many different quilts and colors and they are coming out very unique. Everyone is almost complete in record time. We are excited to see the outcome of it all.

Ms. Quist and Mrs. Collins have decided to make a new Winterim similar to "Survivor." They plan to "vote" people out of Quilting every two days if a person doesn't keep up. If you get voted off, then you would fail your Winterim. Seriously thought everyone in Quilting is on task and moving do quickly to their finished projects.

Mrs. Collins says this year's group is much better than last year's group. (I think she is saying this because she missed me being in the Quilting group last year!)

Wonderful Talk--Interview with Mrs. Margraf

Today I continued talking with administrators about Winterim.  I had an interview with Mrs. Margraf. Let's go ask her some questions, and see what she thinks about Winterim.

What is your favorite thing about Winterim?
What is your favorite memory about Winterim?
What do you mostly do over Winterim?
Are there any problems that have ever happened that you can remember?
If you could go on a winterim/make one up for you to lead what would it be?
Thank you for following us. I will keep follow them and interview them when they have time. Don't forget to keep following our blog!!!

Chess Professionals

The serious side of LA Winterim really comes out in our chess course. It's a very serious Winterim and they take pride in their wins and play fast. Their moves are quick and they think about each move in a split second. They are all top notch players, who know and love the game of chess! Watch this video.

Imagination of Art

Mask making is time-consuming hard work. The students of this Winterim are acting out, having fun and very excited in such an activity. The process of making mask is complicated and long. Mask creating takes one week of work with plaster, clay and paper. Also, students went through the pictures and photos of celebrities and studied the faces of renowned actors. Students' masks will absolutely be unique because it is their personification of their individuality. To imagine the amount of work, students spend on making masks we should consider the amount of time it takes to dry out it - one whole day. Students are very anxious about the performance on Friday the 18th, because it will be an examination of their acting skill, articulation and talent.

"Project Runway" at LA

Fashion Statement finished their first project last week. Most made a skirt but Kevin Gu made an unbelievable vest as shown above. After finishing their first project most of the students are now making bags, stuffed animals or other accessories of their choice.