Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What will the masterpiece be?

Quilting is off to a fast start everyone has chosen their ideas and have started cutting and sewing! They all got to draw and choose their own design. They are all different from sports to beaches to schools to family photos. They all have different and personal meaning. The group says that they have been doing great but their hands are already hurting... we all say good luck here at RUaDgtalNativ!
Julia says she doesn't think it will ever end. Summer said she is just happy because she finished her first row.... of three squares. Ms.Collins is starting another quilt different from last year she is not doing another math one... she says, you can only do so many of those. Mr. Healy got started today but is doing something more interesting. He is using shirts and other symbols from schools. We only see fabric but in a few short days we hope to see very original masterpieces.
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  1. Excellent article, very informative the quilts are really very interesting

  2. I enjoyed feeding the fish ,, very cool

  3. thank you very much! and haha we all think so!

  4. I love your Blog ,,, great job ,,,

    The pictures are really nice ,,
